ONE Mail

How much does it cost to get ONE Mail?

Our products and services are available at no cost to authorized Ontarian health care providers.

What providers/organizations use ONE Mail?

Over 315,000 individual clinicians and 10,000 health care organizations across Ontario use ONE Mail. Users include pharmacies, LHINs, acute care hospitals, mental health and addiction agencies, long-term care facilities, family health teams and physicians.

Can I email sensitive information to my patients or other non-ONE Mail recipients?

ONE Mail should not be used in either of these instances because the email will not be secure / encrypted. If you are sending sensitive information, ONE Mail is secure / encrypted only if both sender and receiver are registered users.

Can I configure ONE Mail on my desktop or mobile device?

Yes, our user guides are on our Support page. Please note: Active Sync is available for ONE Mail Direct accounts only.

What do I do if my organization changes its IP address?

Contact us at or call our service desk at 1-866-250-1554.

How do I change contact information that you have on file?

Complete our client update form and submit it to our service desk at – please indicate that you are updating your contact persons.

Can I have my own individual ONE Mail account?

Yes, if you are a physician with a College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) number.